After pressing a p:commandButton :
<p:commandButton id="refresh" value="Send" action="#{connectionDBController.createDataTable}" update="result,messages"/>
I was getting this as a response in the browser:
BUT in the server log, there where NO LOG ERROR.The error was ONLY being sent through the http response, so the error-page tag in the web.xml couldn't work:
After googling for a couple of days , I couldn't find anything so I decided to handle that error in my way, I know it could be better, but It works.
I added the oncomplete attrib to the p:commandButton:
<p:commandButton id="refresh" oncomplete="handleAjaxRequest2(xhr, status, args);" value="Send" action="#{connectionDBController.createDataTable}" update="result,messages"/>
The handleAjaxRequest method has:
function handleAjaxRequest2(xhr, status, args){
myValidationObject1 = new validationObject({'property':'data' , 'value':'class javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException'}, null)
myValidationObject2 = new validationObject({'property':'localName' , 'value':'error-name'}, myValidationObject1)
myValidationObject3 = new validationObject({'property':'localName' , 'value':'error'}, myValidationObject2)
myValidationObject4 = new validationObject({'property':'localName' , 'value':'partial-response'}, myValidationObject3)
myBoolResult = validateInternalPropery(xhr.responseXML , myValidationObject4);
if (myBoolResult == true){
//alert("myBoolResult" + myBoolResult);
alert("Session expired, please login again")
window.location = '/myProject/faces/Login/Login.xhtml';
The validateInternalPropery method has
function validateInternalPropery(myObj , myValidationObject){
returnValue = false;
//myObj = xhr.responseXML;
if(myObj.hasChildNodes() == true){ //validate has chid nodes
for(childNode in myObj.childNodes){ // iter child nodes in object
if (typeof myObj.childNodes[childNode] == 'object'){ // validate if the current childnode is an object
if(myObj.childNodes[childNode].hasOwnProperty( == true){ // validate if the childnode has the given a Property
if(myObj.childNodes[childNode][] == myValidationObject.iniValidation.value){ // evaluatee the value of given property
if (myValidationObject.endValidation == null){
returnValue = true;
validateInternalPropery(myObj.childNodes[childNode] , myValidationObject.endValidation)
return returnValue;
The validationObjectclass method has
<p:commandButton id="refresh" value="Send" action="#{connectionDBController.createDataTable}" update="result,messages"/>
I was getting this as a response in the browser:
<error-name>class javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException</error-name>
<error-message><![CDATA[viewId:/index.xhtml - View /index.xhtml could not be restored.]]>
<extension primefacesCallbackParam="validationFailed">{"validationFailed":false}</extension>
BUT in the server log, there where NO LOG ERROR.The error was ONLY being sent through the http response, so the error-page tag in the web.xml couldn't work:
After googling for a couple of days , I couldn't find anything so I decided to handle that error in my way, I know it could be better, but It works.
I added the oncomplete attrib to the p:commandButton:
<p:commandButton id="refresh" oncomplete="handleAjaxRequest2(xhr, status, args);" value="Send" action="#{connectionDBController.createDataTable}" update="result,messages"/>
The handleAjaxRequest method has:
function handleAjaxRequest2(xhr, status, args){
myValidationObject1 = new validationObject({'property':'data' , 'value':'class javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException'}, null)
myValidationObject2 = new validationObject({'property':'localName' , 'value':'error-name'}, myValidationObject1)
myValidationObject3 = new validationObject({'property':'localName' , 'value':'error'}, myValidationObject2)
myValidationObject4 = new validationObject({'property':'localName' , 'value':'partial-response'}, myValidationObject3)
myBoolResult = validateInternalPropery(xhr.responseXML , myValidationObject4);
if (myBoolResult == true){
//alert("myBoolResult" + myBoolResult);
alert("Session expired, please login again")
window.location = '/myProject/faces/Login/Login.xhtml';
The validateInternalPropery method has
function validateInternalPropery(myObj , myValidationObject){
returnValue = false;
//myObj = xhr.responseXML;
if(myObj.hasChildNodes() == true){ //validate has chid nodes
for(childNode in myObj.childNodes){ // iter child nodes in object
if (typeof myObj.childNodes[childNode] == 'object'){ // validate if the current childnode is an object
if(myObj.childNodes[childNode].hasOwnProperty( == true){ // validate if the childnode has the given a Property
if(myObj.childNodes[childNode][] == myValidationObject.iniValidation.value){ // evaluatee the value of given property
if (myValidationObject.endValidation == null){
returnValue = true;
validateInternalPropery(myObj.childNodes[childNode] , myValidationObject.endValidation)
return returnValue;
The validationObject
function validationObject(myIniValidation, myEndValidation){
this.iniValidation = myIniValidation;
this.endValidation = myEndValidation;
this.iniValidation = myIniValidation;
this.endValidation = myEndValidation;
I that way I can locate the error that I want , in this case, class javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException, and do the window.location to redirect to the login page
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